Creating a Value Delivery Machine - Part 2 of 3: Managing Large Scale Programs

We now have our arms around our strategically aligned solution in the ‘[Solutioning for Value][1]’ article. We understand its projected value and the broad strokes of what we want to deliver. Now it is time to realize the solution in the organization. Our next step in building our value delivery machine is to design and deliver the solution. We need to establish the delivery program.

Just a reminder, the execution phases discussed in this and the next article include all aspects of the solution — organization and people, practices and process, and systems architecture. Because the operations and people aspect requires extensive treatment and a unique set of methodologies, we will cover it in the ‘[Guiding Organizations through Change].’ article. Keep in mind that regardless of which aspect we are discussing, the efforts occur simultaneously in each phase.

Finally, to continuously deliver the highest value to the enterprise, we are engaged in an ongoing learning feedback loop. We need to be tuned into that feedback and ready to adjust to emerging learnings. As we progress through the phases we will continue to identify previously unseen failure points, performance challenges, and new opportunities that we might pursue. Additionally, our operating ecosystem will change, potentially adjusting our objectives. The more complex the program and the longer the duration of the program, the more new stuff we will have to navigate. We need to remain on top of all of the learnings and change and we are heads down doing the noble work of execution.

Read the rest of the article here.


Creating a Value Delivery Machine - Part 3 of 3: Guiding Organizations through Change


Creating a Value Delivery Machine Part 1 of 3: Solutioning for Value