Ten Minute Dispatches

Video shorts that deliver big ideas.

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  • VDS Episode 9   Building Resilient Operations

    VDS Episode 9 Building Resilient Operations

    VDS Episode 9: Building Resilient Operations dives into what operations are, what they are used for, and common design considerations in the quest for a consistent, expected experience when engaging an organization. A well designed operation will, with high efficiency and precision, deliver a consistent output that is well managed and monitored.

  • VDS Episode 8 -  Guiding Organizations through Change

    VDS Episode 8 - Guiding Organizations through Change

    VDS Episode 8: Guiding Organizations through Change tackles the change being forced on the organization as we develop and deploy those big solutions to meet our strategic commitments. Change curation ensures the organiztion is ready for the change and that we ultimately meet our adoption targets. Of the seven program success factors, it is by far the most complex aspect of success.

  • VDS Episode 6   Solutioning for Value

    VDS Episode 6 Solutioning for Value

    VDS Episode 6: Solutioning for Value is the stage in which we begin to translate our strategic commitments into real world organizational capability. Solutioning requires defining and aligning on the problem we are solving, ensuring we understand the solution's implications on other commitments we are delivering in this cycle, and that we complete solutioning understanding its strategic, operational, and systems impacts.

  • VDS Episode 5 - Establishing Strategic Commitments

    VDS Episode 5 - Establishing Strategic Commitments

    VDS Episode 5: In this dispatch we tackle translating our big strategic ideas into specific actionable outcomes. We use the Objectives-Key Results [OKRs] mechanism to provide an example of parsing our vision into actionable objectives, then further break them down into milestones via the KRs for efforts we are delivering in this or the upcoming cycle.

  • VDS Episode 4 - Business Model Refresh

    VDS Episode 4 - Business Model Refresh

    VDS Episode 4: This dispatch provides an overview of what a business model is, the types of business models that are popular, and factors we need to consider to operationalize the business model.

  • VDS Episode 3 - Setting the Directional Strategy

    VDS Episode 3 - Setting the Directional Strategy

    VDS Episode 3: In this episode of the Value Delivery Spine series we tackle the first stage of the framework, setting directional strategy. In this video we address the stakes at play and considerations for developing organizational strategy.

  • VDS Episode 2 - The Framework

    VDS Episode 2 - The Framework

    VDS Episode 2: In this Value Delivery Spine series episode desciribes the Value Delivery Spine Framework, the stages required and the guiding mechanisms structured to support the translation of strategic direction into delivered capability.

  • VDS Episode 1  - The Challenge

    VDS Episode 1 - The Challenge

    VDS Episode 1: Developing and executing on strategy is a high stakes effort filled with vagaries, complexities, and the potential of missteps. The organization's potential to thrive is on the line and most of the organization is involved with delivering the capability. To supercharge the value delivered we need an end-to-end understanding of what it takes.